Altitude Sickness: Know its Causes, Symptoms and ways to Treat it

Air is thinner at heights or high altitudes. When you go very high very fast, your body cannot obtain as much Oxygen as it requires. So you require breathing faster. This causes the headache and other signs of altitude sickness.

Causes of Altitude Sickness

  1. It happens when there is less Oxygen in the atmosphere that you inhale at high altitudes.
  2. Ascending more rapidly than 500m in a day and exercising forcefully.

Symptoms of Altitude Sickness

This sickness affects your lungs and brain. Symptoms for altitude sickness include being confused, feeling faint, not able to walk straight and having gray or blue lips or fingernails. When you inhale or exhale, you may hear a sound such as a paper bag being crushed. These signs mean the situation is severe. It may be life-threatening.

Altitude Sickness Prevention

·        Go at high altitudes slowly, take it easy and provide your body enough time to get used to the elevation or altitude. The body has an amazing power to adapt the altitude but it requires time. For example, it takes approximately a week to acclimate to an altitude of 5000m.

·        Drink sufficient amount of water

·        Avoid Alcohol, sleep aids and narcotic pain relievers

·        Eat Carbohydrate Diet

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