Reasons Of Pee Shivers Explained

The cold-chill, tingly-esque feeling a male experiences when having a long awaited pee. Usually causes one to twitch uncontrollably. ‘Pee Shivers’ as the internet lovingly calls those tingly sensations are a common phenomenon in guys.

Pee Shivers are not so common in girls, even in some social experimental videos, most of the girls were unfamiliar to the term Pee Shivers.

There is no solid theory that states, why these shivers happen in guys, and guys only? But there are some theories that explains the causes and seem plausible enough.

Pee Shiver Is A Result Of Autonomic Nervous System Getting Their Nerves Crossed

Source =Therooster

The shiver is a result of two parts of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) getting their streams crossed. The ANS is a control system for involuntary muscles affects things like heart and respiration rates, digestion, body temperature control and urination.

The ANS Has Two Divisions

Source =Gq

The Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) controls bladder function, among other things. It keeps the bladder relaxed and the urethral sphincter contracted so you don't have to concentrate on not peeing your pants all day. The Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS) relaxes the urethral sphincter and contracts the bladder when you decide to answer nature's call.

These Part Are Responsible For Hormone Discharge That Might Play A Role In The Involuntary Shuddering

Source =Blogspot

Part of the SNS response to a full bladder is the release of chemicals like catecholamines (which include epinephrine, norepinephrine and dopamine). When you finally grab a minute to urinate, the PNS takes over, and catecholamine production changes. Some sources point at the change in chemical production as the cause of the shiver, and others say it's the SNS to PNS switch itself that does it.

According To The Other Internet MDs, It Is Because Of The Sudden Drop In Body Temperature

Source =Scienceabc

According to doctors, one of the likely reasons is because the body’s temperature quickly gets lowered after we have released enormous amounts of warm fluids from the body in the form of urine. As a result of this, the body’s protective mechanism quickly causes the body to shiver in order to bring some warmth back to the body.This is the same thing that happens to the body when we are very cold – the body begins to shiver in order to bring some heat back to the body.

Or Simply Because Your Private Part Is Cold

Source =Imgur

Another reason some people might experience pee shakes is likely because of a simple thing such as the fact that when a person wants to urinate, they expose their private parts to the cold air outside. As a  result of this, the person naturally feels cold and shivers during or after urination.

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