Say goodbye to your daily snoring with Nora

Nora is the first smart and amazing device that is non-invasive snoring solution, designed specially to quit snoring before it awakens your sleeping partner. No need to wear nose strips, masks and dentures with Nora.

Some extra ordinary qualities of Nora:

Nora device consist three gadgets that are Pillow Insert, Nora Beside and The Case.

You can place the Insert under your pillow.

And then put the Nora Bedside anywhere near to your bed.

At the end keep the portable Case below the bed and go to bed.

The Science behind Nora

Why do you snore? Snoring is the outcome of your airways breaking up and collapsing as the upper throat muscles when it relaxes during sleep. When you breathe by the narrowed airway, your throat creates vibrations that are sounded as snoring. Nora without a sound and smoothly moves your head utilizing a lightweight, padded insert that sits down under the pillow. This small movement stimulates the calmed throat muscles. As an outcome, the airway thinks its natural position and once again you can breathe normally.

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