10 Vegetables That You Can Easily Grow in Your Garden

Even if you are a newbie in the field, you can start off easily your food garden. Early spring is an ideal season to start with planting, not only cool weather gardening yields better vegetables, growing own food also means that you are eating more nutritional dose.

And of course, is there anything you can love more than the cheap food as it is the food that is grown with your own hands. Though, gardening is considered as the job of retired people, growing food as a student can also save a lot of cash. And most interesting thing is that you don’t need a huge garden space, to begin with, you can also grow food in a small space or indoors.

Start simple and then go to the perfection level with practice. Initially, things are going to fail like you are going to get insects and fungi to upset you, but don’t stop and you can build your own garden in just a few days. So here are some of your favorite foods that you can grow in your garden.

1. Celery

Source =Askdrnandi

Celery is the only veggie that can reproduce if you just eat your favorite portion, leave the remaining portion or roots in some water and you are done. Keep the root in a cup of water; just make sure that it doesn’t totally submerge inside the bowl.

After a week, you will notice new celery will pop up and your garden will have a bunch of celery in the next few weeks.

2. Tomatoes

Source =Bite

Either buy tomato seeds or bag a young tomato plant that has already had a vine, use a wooden stake and tie the vine with garden wire, so that the tomato plant stay upright. Once they turn out red, pick them and place near the window to ripen up.

3. Cress

Source =Rasset

Cress is another easy food that doesn’t annoy you while growing. Just grab the leftover by cress pot from the supermarket and a shallow plastic pot, put some soil and seeds into it. Place the pot at the sunny place near the window and water it. Yeah! You are done. (16.1)

4. Salad Leaves

Source =Blueapron

The most interesting thing about the salad leaves is that you can grow them anytime anywhere in different varieties. Grow it in your own limited space, or a window box. These leaves grow in very limited time. For instance, plant the leaves in summer and you will have a big bunch of salad leaves to put on your sandwich just after 4-5 weeks.

5. Strawberries

Source =Losebabyweight

Who would mind adding few strawberries in their cereal or pudding? Strawberries are really delicious. So how about planting strawberries in your own garden? You can grow strawberries in the grow bags and even in the garden. Just look after them and you will keep growing strawberries every year.

6. Onions and Garlic

Source =Livestrongcdn

Onions and Garlic are the ingredients to everything, and growing them can literally save you tons of cash. It is super easy to grow them, and if you store them correctly food like onion can last up to 7-8 months and garlic will be fine for months if kept in the freezer. To grow them, plant the whole onion bulbs and garlic cloves in the ground or in a large grow bag. Just remember to check they are well drained in the soil in nearby autumn and spring season.

7. Potatoes

Source =Medicalnewstoday

Is there any day when you haven’t eat food containing potatoes? The interesting thing about growing potatoes in the garden is they can be grown anywhere with few basics covered. Find an old bin and fill it half full with compost. Plant two whole potatoes in there; just make sure that the bag has enough space for other potatoes to grow. Once you notice green shoots coming out of the soil, put more compost again and repeat. After 10-15 weeks your potatoes are ready to dig out.

8. Fresh Herbs

Source =Bakingnaturally

How about having a fresh selection of herbs right near your bedroom window? Grab some seeds from the store, hang them in a hanging basket or outside in a pot. Chives, sage etc grows happily, in a plant pot just outside the window or indoor and outdoor anywhere in the garden.

9. Peppers

Source =Alliedbotanical

Adding peppers in a dish enhances the taste of the meal. Pepper plants will do fine only in a small pot near your window. Just stick to one pot, water a little and that’s it. You don’t have to search for the market to buy chilies and peppers now.

10. Bok Choy

Rich in Vitamin A and antioxidants Bok Choy is another food that you can easily grow in your garden. Plant bok choy seeds nearly about 8 -10 inches apart with ¼ inch soil coverage. Check when the plant reaches nearly 3-4 inches, start cutting leaves for eating.

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