10 Recycled Silverware Art Sculptures by Matt Wilson That Look Lifelike

Here are a few sculptures that are made from recycled silverware. An artist named Matt Wilson made beautiful sculptures that deserve more recognition. Check them out.

4 years ago
10 Recycled Silverware Art Sculptures by Matt Wilson That Look Lifelike

There is no way you can compare anyone's creativity level. While some people like Mori Kono have the creativity of making animal sculptures from logs, others know how to make incredible things from recyclable materials. 

But thinking of making beautiful pieces from silverware is RARE. When most people visit junkyard to see the garage, artist Matt Wilson (based out of South Carolina) transforms these scrap into several artistic pieces. He sees scrap metal as a unique thing. 

Matt Wilson says that his work shows the environment he lives in. He worked as a resident artist at Detyens Shipyard and gave life to the discarded materials. He said, 

“The upcycled work I create is a testimony to the belief of conserving and appreciating our resources, so that the environment in which we live will continue to be an environment in which we desire to live.”

His art pieces range from owl to eagles and blue jays to woodland blackbirds. It takes patience, and most importantly, unique skills to craft a perfect piece. It takes him years to collect the materials to create a single piece. He collects different things from hardware stores and junk shops. Kitchen utensils and scrap material are the common material that he uses to craft a sculpture. 

The material he finds from the stores might be transformed and could be used again. His art pieces include lobsters, insects, octopus, and other animals. You could see his works on his Instagram official account named ‘airtightartwork.’ 

He explained more about his work, 

“My goal as an artist is to make artwork unlike art people have seen, while at the same time recognizable in the identity of everyday materials.”

He has received praise from around the world for his metal sculptures. Some of his pieces are shown below.

1. A Beautiful Bird Made from Forks and Spoons

Source = Twistedsifter

2. Crab Made from Forks and Recycled Scrap Metals

Source = Wooarts

3. Bird Looking at the Visitors

Source = Mymodernmet

4. Love Birds Sitting on a Log

Source = Thisiscolossal

See how brilliantly he has carved spoons to form them like a bird.

5. Owl Sitting on a Piece of Wood

Source = Mymodernmet

6. Does This Look Like a Swan?

Source = Homecrux


7. An Angry Eagle

Source = Brightside

8. Elephant That Could Be Added in a Living Room

Source = Genial

9. A Parrot Perched on a Rod

Source = Brightside

It is created from varieties of spoons.

10. Is it an Octopus?

Source = Homecrux

His Workshop is Filled With Piles of Forks, Knives & Other Silverware

Matt Wilson’s workshop is filled with scrap materials. You can see table littered with hammers, a toolbox, and piles of spoons and knives. He wears a mask to protect his face and then transform utensils into crawfish and other designs. 

You can’t even imagine how much you could contribute to the environment by making the best use of scrap metal. Here are other uses of scrap metals through which you could get cheaper products. Scrap metals have financial value and could be recovered for recycling. 

Final Words

Though making an incredible piece out of scrap is tough, creating beautiful arts from a single sheet of paper is challenging. 

Which of the above pictures has impressed you a lot? Have you ever seen an amazing art like this? If so, then share the pictures below. 


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