This Japanese Artist Video Will Make You Crazy

As an artist, it is very hard to judge your artistic skills anymore. There are a number of people who have shown their hi...

8 years ago
This Japanese Artist Video Will Make You Crazy

As an artist, it is very hard to judge your artistic skills anymore. There are a number of people who have shown their hidden talent to the whole world. Even if you find a subject to do expertise on that particular niche, after sometime you will get to know that still you are lacking somewhere. A world is full of strange yet extra talented personalities. I just got something unusual on the net, and really it is worth sharing.

Japanese artist Toru paintings are going viral on the net. No just because he is the great artist but because he can paint 2 portrays in a single time. He is an extremely talented person, who mostly uses black ink to paint the drawings. But that’s not enough; he has also learnt the art of pointillism.  He can also craft wonderful pictures that look more potent than any other traditional works.




He can also create a variety of stop-motion art clips.


At its best! Multitasking!


Where one cannot even paint one picture at a time that too in a beautiful way, he sketches 2 at a time. Great!



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