Supernatural occurrences are amongst the few things that are unexplainable and out of this world yet it’s existence can’t be...
Supernatural occurrences are amongst the few things that are unexplainable and out of this world yet it’s existence can’t be denied just because it doesn't have science backing it up. We all have known a lot of cases where people claim that they have seen people do unspeakable things like supernatural powers, speak unlearnt languages, absurd reactions to holy things, strange elastic capabilities and what not.
If you ever walk in a room which is automatic climate controlled and all of a sudden it starts to feel chilly and there’s no opening from where the cold air from outside could seep in.
Despite being a reasonable person, your first reaction will be of fear; fear of unknown.
Things that can’t be explained have as much chance of existing as things backed up by science, so if you are looking out for science of Demonic Possession, you should look for these traits.
Who knows, the illness medicine failed to cure, you could actually be able to spot it.
Pupils become dilated like when doctors dilate through drops to examine the lens, but dilation is far more prominent.
The demon can speak through the vessel in the voice of the person, saying things that no one might know, using this information to undermine others. Including the priest.
Speaking ill for God and everything holy or being generally abusive to people, might be a sign of Possession.
A person who never tried alcohol let alone drugs, starts abusing all the psychedelics, could also be a sign of demonic possession.
Nobody eats raw meat or drinks blood unless they’re a vampire.
Being sexually abusive to people is one of the signs of demonic possession when you have no control over your mind or conscience.
A possessed is said to be in control of another entity and if that entity decides to harm the vessel the possessed can’t do anything, even if it’s hurting them.
There can also be an inordinate display of extreme strength and violence, picking up large objects which they normally wouldn’t be able to do.
The person could be foaming at the mouth and coughing in an abnormal way.
Eating 10 times your appetite is not normal, nor is eating nothing for days.
Bowel movements are also blocked as the entity is trying to kill the possessed any way they can from inside of the body.
The rolling of the eyes can be another sign, usually a reaction to the sacred.
When somebody is critically ill and medicine fails to respond, even after countless alternate treatments. It makes the possessed a case of supernatural treatment.
From Gaia to Kali; every goddess in mythologies have a prominent role to create or restore the balance in nature and the universe.
Kimberly Campbell
This list showcases the Gods of death, the Underworld, and destruction: from the Egyptian God of Death- Anubis, who was recognized as a man with a jackal head, to the Hindu God of Death- “Yama,” who took the records of each person’s death. But Thanatos was the personified spirit of non-violent death.
Rupesh Chhabra
No wonder, the God of healing and magical tradition allied to it, never failed to surprise people especially in ancient times. Let’s discover some of God and Goddess of healing and their amazing contribution.
Rupesh Chhabra