8 Best Examples Of Communication Skills While Interacting With Others

No matter, what kind of industry you are working in, the ability to communicate effectively with colleagues and staff is essenti...

7 years ago
8 Best Examples Of Communication Skills While Interacting With Others

No matter, what kind of industry you are working in, the ability to communicate effectively with colleagues and staff is essential, isn’t it? And obviously, it is next to impossible to become a great leader without being the excellent communicator. 

Positive peer-to-peer communication can go a long way towards success establishing the mutual relationships that not only improves employee’s satisfaction but also boosts the productivity as well.  

So, here are some top examples of communication skills to help you stand out in today’s job.

1) Being a Good Listener

Source = Gstatic

You will not like interacting with someone who only cares about putting his words and doesn’t take interest in your words. If you are not a good listener, it’s going to be very hard to answer what you are being asked to do. Through active listening, you can understand better what someone standing next to you is trying to say.

2) Gesture Communication

Source = Evenesis

Eye contact, hand gestures, body language are 3 essential components in communication. A relaxed posture and a friendly tone make you attractable and also encourage others to speak openly with you. Keep looking in the person's eye to demonstrate that you are focused and enjoying the conversation. 

If a person is not looking in your eyes while speaking he/she might be uncomfortable or hiding the truth. (18.1)

3) Sympathy

Source = Pinimg

Even when you are disagreeing with your partner, coworker or employee, it is very important for you to respect their point of view. Use phrases like ‘I understand’ ‘we respect your decision’ etc. In this way, you will have productive conversations. You can really reduce the anxiety and nervousness that sometimes arises when you truly communicate with others.

4) Being Friendly

Source = Jessiecodyholdings

A sweet simple smile, friendly tone always encourages the opposite person to engage in open and honest conversation. This is equally important when you are having written or oral communication. For instance – when you are writing an email start with the phrase ‘I hope you enjoyed your weekend’ to make him feel more appreciated.

5) Confidence

Source = Msecnd

Confidence motivates your coworkers and assures them to believe in you with what you are saying. It is important to stay confident in all of your interactions. Be careful that you do not sound overconfident and aggressive.

6) Open Mindedness

Source = Gstatic

Enter any ongoing conversation with an open mind. Be open to understanding next person’s view rather than simply putting your words. Even when you interact with people with whom you disagree, you will able to convert them into honest conversations.

7) Right Feedback

Source = Bizztor

Giving and receiving feedback is an important communication skill. Managers should continuously look for ways to provide their colleagues a constructive feedback either through emails, phone calls or by giving them weekly status updates. A simple ‘good job’ or you met my expectations is enough to motivate any person.

8) Be Brief yet Clear

Source = Markanthonybooks

Follow up the BRIEF – acronym – Background, Reason, Information, End, Follow-Up to clear out your conversation in short without leaving anything important. BRIEF is actually a good policy that works effectively in both verbal and written communication. Be clear and concise what and when you speak.


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