6 Wonderful Sightings Of International Space Station As Seen From Earth

International Space Station captures a lot of magnificent pictures of our beautiful planet, but have you ever wondered, what ISS looks from the Earth orbiting Kilometers above us like a planet.

7 years ago
6 Wonderful Sightings Of International Space Station As Seen From Earth

Space always fascinate us humans and every time we look up, it fills us with intrigue and questions of the endless beyond. But among these stars and planets, there lies our man-made marvel in the skies; The International Space Station

The ISS is orbiting 408 KM up above in the lower earth orbit, near enough to be spotted with naked eyes. Here are some pictures of the ISS that are looking at it with the naked eyes.

ISS Looks Like A Tiny Cotton Ball In It’s Trajectory As Captured in This Video From Earth

Source = "RichardB1983"

1) Photo Of A Landscape With ISS Captured Using Long Exposure Times

Source = Albertzurita

2) Another ISS Light Trail

Source = Wordpress

3) ISS’ Orbit

Source = Lm3design

4) ISS From The Nature’s Eyes

Source = Nasa

5) Shooting Star ISS

Source = Wordpress

6) Purple Skies And Milky Trail Of International Space Station

Source = Universetoday

International space Station Up-close

Source = Kxcdn

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