7 Tell-Tale Signs Your Body Has a Deficiency of Calcium

Calcium is a vital mineral that every person must consume in their diet. It is responsible for the maintenance of strong and healthy bones, regulation of blood pressure and hormone secretion, aids in blood clotting, contraction & relaxation of muscles, conduct proper nerve signals, and early developmental growth. 

The recommended daily intake of the essential mineral ‘calcium’ for an adult person is around 1000 mg. This requirement can be met by consuming various foods, such as milk, soybeans, sesame seeds, yogurt, fatty fish, cheese, nuts, and dark leafy green vegetables. 

Also, to help your body absorb more calcium, you should increase the intake of Vitamin D that is found in egg yolks, oysters, shrimp, mushrooms, and some fortified foods. Do check out some of the best diet plans according to science that you should follow for a healthy living. 

Now, let’s know here about some signs & symptoms that indicate that you might have a calcium deficiency.

1. Muscle Cramps

Source =Vov

As one of the early symptoms of calcium deficiency, muscle cramps can occur in arms, thighs, and underarms, especially at night. It can be accompanied by muscle pain as one walks or moves. Eventually, with time, it can progress into spasms in muscles across the body.

2. Memory Loss

Source =Wittyfeed

Not only muscles but the lack of calcium in the body can also affect the functioning of the nervous system. Yes! The low calcium levels in the blood can result in mental confusion, hallucinations, and even memory loss.

3. Numbness or Tingling

Source =Mylife

A calcium deficiency can even result in neurological and physical impairment. An impaired sense of touch, tingling, numbness, and muscle tremors in the feet, hands, and face can occur. 

4. Depression

Source =Boldsky

Calcium also plays a crucial role in regulating mood. It is a natural sedative that produces calming and relaxing effects. So the less calcium you consume, the more depressed you may feel.

5. Fatigue

Source =Navodayatimes

Lack of calcium in the body affects overall physical health. So experiencing extreme fatigue, lethargy, lack of energy, or a constant feeling of sluggishness can be a sign of calcium deficiency, thus focus on having a balanced diet.

6. Brittle Nails

Source =Lifestyle

Nails require calcium to avoid them from becoming dry, weak, slow-growing, and prone to peeling and splitting. But brittle nails can be made strong through adequate calcium intake. 

7. Frequent Illness

Source =Lite987

Someone with a calcium deficit can have an unhealthy immune system. Thus, you might easily fall sick and catch a cold more often. And as calcium helps your body fight against viruses and bacteria, your body’s resistance against pathogen attacks increases.

Besides the above signs and symptoms, calcium deficiency can also cause dry skin, insomnia, toothaches, difficulty swallowing or losing weight, blood pressure changes, and even heart failure. Also, a condition called rickets, which leads to the softening and weakening of bones in children, is usually caused due to vitamin D deficiency.

To Sum Up

As per research on why a person has a calcium deficiency (or hypocalcemia), it is found that most people experience it due to improper calcium absorption. Moreover, people who are at higher risk of calcium deficiency include the elderly, people on high-protein or high-fiber diets, and those who drink too much alcohol. 

So with the help of these signs and symptoms, you can identify if you or someone else you know has a calcium deficiency. Make sure you take proper diet and include calcium & Vitamin D rich foods to maintain good overall health.

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