10 Most Awkward Toilet Situations You can relate with Only if...

Once in your life you might have experience some funny moments in the bathroom. Recently, I just stumble the net and found some ...

8 years ago
10 Most Awkward Toilet Situations You can relate with Only if...

Once in your life you might have experience some funny moments in the bathroom. Recently, I just stumble the net and found some hilarious peeing poses by the people in public restrooms and office washrooms. Facing awkward situations in home is probably less risky than facing a big trouble outside. Bathrooms can be the great place for annoying situations, but don’t let these places to show your humor side as the embarrassing situations. 

Be it a male or a female the situations may vary, but peeing with some extraordinary poses and then caught with those horrifying expressions what you can’t afford all the time. Watch out these hilarious yet most awkward situation ever faced by people in washrooms.

1. This man has invented a new style of Peeing – But that works??

Source = Wittyfeed

2. Oh shit! Why this man is in hurry of taking the order???

Source = Wittyfeed

Let me pee man!

3. 2 boys or 2 girls What’s going on- Didn’t get that

Source = Wittyfeed

But actually what is happening there? Is someone is proposing in the washroom?? Make me think…

4. How to do Fishing, Let's’ just first try in the restroom?

Source = Wittyfeed

OMG! That’s really Awkward man…how could you

5. He is Justin Bieber?

Source = Wittyfeed

6. Busy Man with Hectic Schedules

Source = Wittyfeed

Seems that his Boss is so strict.

7. The door doesn’t gets locked

Source = Buzzfeed

Ever happened with you?


Source = Buzzfeed

9. Automatically Flushing Toilet

Source = Buzzfeed

When you are not done and suddenly it flushes…

10. Oops! Where’s the toilet Paper?

Source = Buzzfeed

Why this happens with me always ?


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