WTF !! This Man Lives With 30+ Girlfriends

Living with one girlfriend is very tricky these days and there is a man who lives with 30+ girlfriends. Yes! You read it right. ...

8 years ago
WTF !! This Man Lives With 30+ Girlfriends

Living with one girlfriend is very tricky these days and there is a man who lives with 30+ girlfriends. Yes! You read it right. Well, I don’t know how he manages this so well and the girls never knew about his disgusting tale. But before you start thinking something dreadful about this man let me clear that he lives with 30 SEX Dolls

He is absolutely living a happy and stressful life with these dolls. He spends each day differently with them and doesn’t bother how world thinks of him. He considers this is the best way to win against loneliness.

Look How he Spend Time with These Dolls

#Wow! A long drive - A Romantic Date

#Out for a vacation in his Porsche

#He also introduces them with his male friends

#Out in Public Enjoying with his girlfriend

#All his Girlfriends out For a Photo

#He keeps customizing his girlfriends by their cup size, colors and nail coloring.

#After Customization! O Wow! They looks Amazing

#Spending romantic moments with a girlfriend

#A House of Dolls or a House of S** Dolls?

Well, he is not the only person living with S** dolls, but there are many who enjoy spending time and getting emotional with these dolls. 

Share the story with your friends. 


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