15 Powerful Photos That Will Break Your Heart

The world witnesses a lot every day. Million of photographs are clicked but some truly capture unforgettable moments. T...

8 years ago
15 Powerful Photos That Will Break Your Heart

The world witnesses a lot every day. Million of photographs are clicked but some truly capture unforgettable moments. That’s the best thing about photography. It is much more than a visual aid. It is an emotion that brings back life whenever you visit it.  

Here are 15 photographs cumulated from all around the world that will melt your heart.

1. A firefighter feeds water to a Koala

During the Black Saturday bushfires in Australia, 2009.

2. A dog sits next to the grave of his owner

He passed away in 2011 in disastrous landslides near Rio de Janeiro.

3. A lover kisses her girl after she was knocked down

A policeman shot the girl during the Vancouver riots. The riots occurred after Boston Bruins’ won over Vancouver Canucks in June 2011.

4. U.S. Navy Officer Graham Jackson playing at President Roosevelt’s funeral

The officer was also a friend of the President. The funeral took place in April 1944.

5. Man is heading to his death by jumping from The World Trade Centre during 9/11 attack

6. Brazilian kid plays violin at teacher’s funeral

12 year old Diego Torquato was helped by his dead teacher in escaping violence and poverty through music.

7. Marine staff’s son accepts the flag of his father’s memorial

Sgt. Marc Golczynski’s was shot few weeks before returning home.

8. 7 month old baby held by his mother

They are present at a rescue center in Kenya. The child has fully recovered.

9. Soldiers rescue 4 months baby girl

The girl went missing for 4 days post Japan Tsunami in March 2011.

10. A couple died after a factory collapse in Bangladesh

11. Japanese woman cries after the earthquake and tsunami in Japan in March 2011

12. This one needs no explanation

13. African girl in a human zoo in Belgium, 1958

14. An old man cries as his relative waves goodbye in their meet after 60 years

The South Korean cries for parting from his North Korean relative. A temporary 3 days family reunion was allowed between the families across the border in October 2010.  

15. Police recruit from Chinese paramilitary force crying before shipped for service


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