In the quirky town of Tonopah of Nevada state, there is a creepy motel called “Clown Motel”. It’s probably one of the cree...
In the quirky town of Tonopah of Nevada state, there is a creepy motel called “Clown Motel”. It’s probably one of the creepiest motels in America for an overnight stay! The visitors can also notice an arch proclaiming “Tonopah Cemetery”. Beyond the gate, there lies more than a 100-year-old graveyard. In 1996, the head clown and the owner Bob Perchetti (locally known as “The Mayor”) bought this clown-themed motel.
In the recent past, this Clown Motel has been notoriously known and has scared its guests more than delighting them. The guests check-in here at the main office under the vigilance of weird clowns resting at awkward places who may appear out of nowhere. Some small clowns could be sitting on shelves, some big clowns could be relaxing in chairs and a wild-eyed clown in a cage would be resting over the cash register.
In the lobby area of the Clown Motel, there are hundreds of pale-faced, dead-eyed, and grinning clown statues and dolls. The lobby’s entrance isn’t too clown-heavy and there’s a sign at the door saying “CAUTION STEP UP” along with a smiling clown.
The main lobby features an astonishing number of clowns on display. And if you find it too unnerving, a big TV is there to divert your attention from all of that! A life-size clown relaxing on the chair is rather more freaky for those with coulrophobia than the clown figurines resting at either side. (17.1)
McDonald’s clown mascot Ronald McDonald made a guest appearance at the motel’s lobby. The on-display dolls present a whole range of clown accouterments such as white faces, top hats, and parachutes.
Besides this, the non-coulrophobes visitors can even take the clowns home (the front desk will tell which ones) if they wish to. The red noses of clowns are also available for sale. In the outside area of the lobby, the clown presence is less but there sure is a smiling clown in front of every room’s door.
The interior of the rooms, thankfully, is clown-free. Some rooms have pictures of clowns which can be covered on request. But you might still not get a good night's sleep if you look at the old ‘Tonopah Cemetery’ out of your bedroom window.
This cemetery, situated next to the motel, is the place where 300 people were buried under the leaning crosses and tin signs. Many of those died due to a mysterious 20th-century plague and 14 were miners who died in a fire that took place in 1911. (17.2)
Only a few people have posted online about their strange experiences at the Clown Motel. Most of the visitors agree that it’s just a queer motel that offers free Internet and a “mini breakfast.”
Since the website ‘Simple Most’ has referenced the motel as ‘America’s scariest motel’, many brave hearts have made a visit to this clown-themed motel. (17.3)
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