You might have heard about the feuds between Pakistan and India over the media. But there are many times that b...
You might have heard about the feuds between Pakistan and India over the media. But there are many times that both the countries have showcased the love for each other and proved that love is far greater and better than hatred. The people of both the countries have proudly shared the moment a number of times and make us remember that peace and unity is what everyone wishes for.
The below images are the perfect sign of the deep love between India and Pakistan. No matter how hard other people try to break the unity, love always finds its way to enter the hearts.
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Not only for the people with feet fetish but people in general have obsession with the hardest muscle to grow on the human body. Calf is certainly the most attractive part of the legs and these 10 famous women have the best calves in the world.
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The end scene of 'The Shining' was epic. Still, it raised many questions in public and also provoked discussions about it. So, what's the story behind it? Read this to know.
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Ever in your childhood, did you have an obsession with cars and sat in the garage for hours trying to mend the broken cars? And do...
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