Amazing Ways To Plate Your Dish Like a Pro

Cooking is one of the most loved activities by men and women in the world. People who prepare mouth watering foody delicacies ar...

8 years ago
Amazing Ways To Plate Your Dish Like a Pro

Cooking is one of the most loved activities by men and women in the world. People who prepare mouth watering foody delicacies are present in abundance. Even you might be one of them. But everyone carries a different taste and your good food may differ from mine. In this case, there is only one way to impress the hungry person and that is plating. 

Visual beauty has the power to defy the actual state of any person or object and so is applicable for food. A dish that looks visually appealing often becomes the most preferred choice even if it does not align with the food habits of the person or it is not very delicious. 

The taste of your food will be judged after it successfully positions itself in visual adornment. Visuals override all other factors and thus, it becomes very essential to plate your dish in delectable manner. 

We mention below some amazing ways that help you to plate your dish like a pro.

Less quantity looks better

Source = Blogspot

Plating might differ from occasion to occasion but it is better to use smaller plates and serve the food in smaller quantities.

Add a touch of garnish

Source = Piesandplots

Garnishing is the key ingredient of any dish. Always give a slight hint of garnishing to your dish. It makes up the anticipation of your guest.

Inspired from nature

Source = Pinimg

Plating techniques are not some special learning. They come with passion and thought. One of the biggest inspirations can be from nature itself. It not only adorns your dish but also adds emotion. You can reflect changing seasons, shadows, earthly colors and much more.

Plating in odd numbers

Source = Presentationpanda

Odd numbers makes the foody plate look interesting. Even arrangement might seem boring but odds are visually profound.

Make it colorful

Source = Pinimg

Children or adult, colors attract everyone. Using many colors on the dish makes it look very attractive and leaves a positive impression on the person even if does not taste good.

Change the plate

Source = Pinimg

Another interesting way to spice up your decoration is to change the plate. Try different kinds of dishes for different occasions. It also amuses the hungry person and again leaves a good impression.

Height of your food

Source = Asianinspirations

Food height attracts the onlookers and increases the appealing nature of the dish. The higher your food reaches; it is expected to be more delicious. 

Contrasting colors

Source = Wsj

Taste is the primary condition for any food but the urge to savor comes from the visual sight. Mix the colors tactfully and leave a desirable impression for the invited person. 

Present differently

Source = Squarespace

Using only plates for your food is not essential. Appetizers or snacks can also be presented in soup spoons or small sized bowls or glasses.

Keep it clean

Source = Hotelregente

Wipe away the extra ingredients and make sure the ingredients of your plate look proper. The plate shall not be messy. It shall be clean and be able to induce hunger in a person. 


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