Risk Factors in Asthma Diseases and its Early Symptoms

Asthma disease is caused by swelling...

8 years ago
Risk Factors in Asthma Diseases and its Early Symptoms

Asthma disease is caused by swelling or inflammation in the airways (bronchial tubes). When an attack of asthma occurs, the lining of the air channels swells and surrounding muscles of airways become tight.  This decreases the amount of air that can go through the airway.

People who have sensitive airways, asthma symptoms can be activated by breathing in substances called triggers or allergens.

General Asthma Triggers include-

Dust mites or Air Pollution Cold air or flu virus Sinusitis Fragrances Exercise Chemicals in the air or in food Pollen Mold Strong emotions (Stress) Changes in weather (most frequently cold weather) Some medicines (Aspirin and other NSAIDS) Tobacco smoke

Early Symptoms of Asthma:

Shortness of breath or losing your breath easily Coughing (especially at night) Wheezing/ wheezing or coughing after exercise Feeling exhausted or tired and weak when exercising Chest tightness, pressure or pain Feeling upset, irritable or moody Signs of a cold or allergies (cough, sneezing, sore throat, runny nose, headache and nasal congestion) Trouble sleeping

The most important prevention in Asthma is to avoid cold things and coming in contact with the people who have a cold or flu.


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