A Massive Footprint of Dinosaur Found in Gobi Desert & Researchers Say...

Dinosaurs were one of the largest animals found on the earth. Now they didn't exist but they have left their mark on the earth. ...

8 years ago
A Massive Footprint of Dinosaur Found in Gobi Desert & Researchers Say...

Dinosaurs were one of the largest animals found on the earth. Now they didn't exist but they have left their mark on the earth. Just a few days back a giant footprint was found in Gobi Desert revealing the historic insights of these gigantic creatures. The footprints clearly depict the sign of dinosaur’s nail.

A Mongolian – Japanese Traveler noticed this giant footprint in Gobi desert

Footprint was 106 cm long and 77 cm wide.

Professor Shinobu Ishiganki clicked the picture with the dinosaur footprint.

He is a professor at Okayama University of Science. He said – 

"The team was searching the area for dinosaur remains. The discovery could help scientists to understand how dinosaurs walked." 

According to the research these footprints belongs to Titanosaur

Titanosaurs are long necked dinosaurs who are 30m long and 20m tall.

This is a very rare discovery

"This is a very rare discovery as it's a well-preserved fossil footprint that is more than a metre long with imprints of its claws” – said the professor

Dinosaur’s nails were also found in the footprint

Earlier, similar kind of foot and nail prints were noted in Morocco and France too.

Hope this footprint will help researchers in knowing more about Dinosaurs.


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