15 Funniest and Crazy Things that are Carried on Fashionable Bikes

While the bikes like Harley Davidson and Yamaha which are meant for cool guy's to show off in ...

8 years ago
15 Funniest and Crazy Things that are Carried on Fashionable Bikes

While the bikes like Harley Davidson and Yamaha which are meant for cool guy's to show off in the west, there also exist some people who go beyond conveyance and trumpet the things that can never be matched with these fashionable bikes

However, these bikes are meant for travelling or transporting purpose some people have extended their limits and caught in a funny post. We have stumbled upon the craziest things that people have carried over their bikes and got some hilarious posts only for you. 

A True Motorbike Experts That Will Make You Laugh

Wow! Balloons….

Will that Bike will Fly?

A complete Crockery Shop

All the boxes but where’s the driver

A Gas Caniter

A Big Roll of Foam

An old Sound System

Windows Without Glass…Yes! It’s a completely safe journey

Is This is a Bathroom? This guy has perfectly nailed it

Cute isn’t it? A Bunch of bunnies on the cycle. But is it safe?

Is this is the best way to carry a chair?

A Bike Over A Bike!!!

Lol! The longest bike we have ever seen…Smart Work

Proof! You are lazy but dog really want to go for a walk.

Introducing go green concept with portable plants

What a balance! Chickens enjoying the bike ride.


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