15 Hilarious Newspaper Headlines That Might Have Lost Some Editor’s Job

Because in some corner of the world, it is not necessary that everything is going to be serious.

6 years ago
15 Hilarious Newspaper Headlines That Might Have Lost Some Editor’s Job

In the growing world of print media, there is definitely a chances of committing mistakes that are then impossible to correct in the given time. There are even chances that you have seen occasional errors and have overlooked them with the present story. You read newspaper every morning and acknowledge the events happening around the country. The newspapers have just an inch of space to add attention-grabbing headlines and the editors have very less time to think about them either.

When it comes to writing headlines, hyperbole is very common. But sometimes, inappropriate jokes, exciting statements leave readers confused. Once in your lifetime, right from TV broadcasts to online news sites, you will have to encounter some crazy headlines.

Have you ever read the newspaper while sipping your morning tea and noticed a spelling error  and couldn’t help but LAUGH!?  Below are the worst of worst errors ever noticed in newspapers.

1. Ohhh! That Poor Grandpa

Source = Runt-of-the-web

2. When Best Man Accidently Got Hit By Flying Dildo

Source = Buzzfeed

3. Maybe He Was Going Through Exams

Source = Buzzfeed

4. I Don’t Think This Would Even Make it Tasty

Source = Boredomtherapy

5. Just Read it Twice In Case You Have Missed It!

Source = Runt-of-the-web

6. Ohh! You Better Take Note

Source = Wordpress

7. Deaths are Coming From Where?

Source = Amazonaws

8. I Just Hope This Editor Is Still Working With The Publishers

Source = Boredomtherapy

9. And A Recent Discovery.. But Who Made It?

Source = Boredomtherapy

10. I Am Just Wondering What Would Cat Do There in the Strip Club!

Source = Runt-of-the-web

11. Check Twice Before you Post Your Letter in the Letter Box

Source = Runt-of-the-web

12. How Can B**BS Explode?

Source = Buzzfeed

13. Have You Ever Been to Nice or Naughty Korea?

Source = Amazonaws

14. When Cops Turned Into Thieves

Source = Buzzfeed

15. Then When Did She Die?

Source = Ranker

What were the writers thinking when they wrote these headlines! It seems every other headline in the newspaper or on internet is hilarious these days. They can be funny, crazy and sometimes even blow your mind. The above headlines are bizarre, pun-tastic and literally craziest above all. So vote up for the weirdest and most humorous lines you read and be careful when to laugh. Also, we hope that the editors haven’t lost their job after this!


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