The Christmas Present by a Stepfather to his Son will Make You Cry Hard! - Video

There’s no denying the fact that the relation between a stepmother and stepfather with their son/daughter is considered to be ...

8 years ago
The Christmas Present by a Stepfather to his Son will Make You Cry Hard! - Video

There’s no denying the fact that the relation between a stepmother and stepfather with their son/daughter is considered to be the worst. Not usual, but most of the time this relation is not treated well. But this story of a boy and a stepfather will make you cry hard.

Watch This Video

His mother, Janelle Rice stated – 

“At his fifth grade graduation in May, he was called up to the stage to get his 'diploma' and he told his teachers he wanted to go by Landon Rice (rather than his birth last name) — that's when we knew we had to begin."

Source = Galaxant

The family started the adoption process secretly. It was the Christmas morning when his mother and stepfather gifted him a box. And how he reacted to the gift is truly an awesome feeling. Watch he reacted to the gift.

It was the certificate of adoption, for them it was just a piece of paper but for Landon it was the thing he can treasure forever. 

Really! Blood has nothing to do with this all. What matters is the love and only the unconditional love. Feel free to share this heartwarming story with your friends. 


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