In today's hectic schedule, there is no time left that you can do something for your body. Overload of work, alcohol, tobacco, p...
In today's hectic schedule, there is no time left that you can do something for your body. Overload of work, alcohol, tobacco, poor diet is the perfect example why everyone suffers with the sexual health.
You might have heard the terms like premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction. Due to busy schedule both the genders are strongly affected. Check out the list of the food items that boost the sexual endurance in order to perform well in bed.
Bananas contain amino acids which release cholesterol and happy hormones to make person feel good. It improves the production of sex hormones and boosts the sex drive.
Peanut butter improves a man’s sperm count as it contains sufficient amount of Zinc. It also contains a high amount of monounsaturated fats which raises dopamine level in the brain.
Beetroot is one of the most beneficial food items that increase the blood level and also improves circulation of blood. A good circulation is essential for orgasms.
Red Grapes are rich in minerals, vitamins, and other antioxidants that give you energy. It also improves body’s immune system.
Oatmeal is the best food for men to boost sex endurance. A bowl full of oatmeal shoots up the testosterone levels. To treat erectile dysfunction, it also contains amino acids L- arginine which is helpful in treating erection problems.
You might know this that drinking coffee benefits you a lot in sexual way. For a good intercourse, it also directs the blood flow to specific organs.
Beans increase the muscular mass of the body and also improve the sexual performance. It also stimulates heart health and will help you to stay for long in bed.
It increases the sperm count in men. It decreases the stress level in females. It enhances the mood and helps to perform well in the bed.
Brown rice contains a huge amount of mineral manganese; it is used in treating sperm counts in male and erectile dysfunction.
During menopause Soya beans improves the functioning of organs. Soya contains an enzyme called as Genistein which boosts the female hormones.
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