13 Epic Date Fails That Will Want You To Stay Single Forever

The probability of you doing something embarrassing is mostly directly proportional to the inappropriateness of the moment. And ...

8 years ago
13 Epic Date Fails That Will Want You To Stay Single Forever

The probability of you doing something embarrassing is mostly directly proportional to the inappropriateness of the moment. And let me tell you first dates are as awkward AF.  Everyone has some embarrassing stories to tell. And they must account for one or the other dating disasters that you have made. 

Here are some interesting stories that people have shared about their first dates.

That’s why you shouldn’t do shots on your first date

Whoa! She is so quick

It might be because of the movie you chose, girl


Things to never talk about on date


How could he!

Haha. That’s kind of beautiful


Damn dude


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