10 Most Famous Marketing Hacks That Gone Hilariously Wrong

Sometimes brand’s story telling doesn’t just fail but literally, it makes us think twice. Here is the list of the marketing hacks hilariously failed.

7 years ago
10 Most Famous Marketing Hacks That Gone Hilariously Wrong

Sometimes, advertisements don’t always deliver the same meaning that was actually created at the time of production. Which is damn sad for the marketers who spend half of their life to come up with the excellent solutions for the customers only to become the best company around the world.

Sometimes marketing campaigns just don’t go well, may be because of the wrong venue, wrong placement, and wrong message. 

Unfortunately, these poor puns sometimes entertain us during a Monday blues at the office. Here is the list of the examples of the most famous marketing hacks that literally went hilariously wrong.

1. To The Mark, Ad Placement Isn’t It?

Source = Boredpanda

Show the real YOU

2. Giant Thirst And Sweat Zone!

Source = Boredpanda

cool combo isn’t it…. I am sure you are not laughing ;)

3. Obesity Or A Mc D Burger?? What To Choose

Source = Netdna-ssl

And I m lovviiiinnnnggg it!! Is it the goal to confuse people? Or they just want to have a debate between parents and children.

4. Worst Of The Worst Marketing Hack

Source = Printsome

Damn! The company should give their employees a hike. This Costa Rican Brewer proved their talent when they decided to push the beer with eating sausages. Obviously, this looks pretty enticing from the front, but have you seen it from the back?

5. Men Or Women’s Wear?

Source = Boredpanda

OH God! I can’t stop laughing; this one is really the worst marketing campaign I have ever seen. Is this a mix of women and men’s wear.

6. Logo Fail

Source = Printsome

Step into clinical dental San Marcelino and you will get more than your teeth fixed. The logo of the clinic depicts some….Don’t you think so the designer should be awarded a trophy?

7. A Wrong Ad Placement

Source = Boredpanda

Westwood medical and a million ways to die in the west ;P 

not getting?? (11.1)

Just look the pictures twice

8. An Ad To Create A Controversy

Source = Netdna-ssl

Ride what??  Ride SLUT, a true #conspiracytheory

9. Publicity Is Publicity, Right?

Source = Netdna-ssl

Sometime hashtag delivers the wrong meaning. Susan Boyle’s Album release a Twitter tag - #susanalbumparty

10. Hahaha! Power Of Being A Male

Source = Boredpanda

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