This Comedian Risks His Life Only For Some Humor

Bear Grylls and Steve Irwin are associated with close and dangerous encounters with the wild. Only add some humor to it and you ...

7 years ago
This Comedian Risks His Life Only For Some Humor

Bear Grylls and Steve Irwin are associated with close and dangerous encounters with the wild. Only add some humor to it and you have got to know another personality Charles Wieand. 

YouTuber Charles Wieand is a nature lover and a self proclaimed epic adventurer. Soon after watching his videos, you will come to know that he has a serious knack for hilarity. From swimming with anacondas to kissing crocodiles, Wieand does everything for grabbing the attention of his fans.

Wieand’s YouTube channel Outdoor Adventures With Charles, demonstrates several videos where he battles with the elements of danger and gives survival tips while doing his acts. These tips are not the normal ways of saying things but the Mr. Bean chuckle inducing flair. Some funniest moments also coincide with serious risks of safety.

At one instance, he was nonchalantly swimming around in a crocodile pool while the alligators are chilling next to him. He only wanted to see if they can stay together if he brought one of them for him. 

Some have also got kisses and piggyback rides from him.

When he warned his viewers to carry a good bug zapper with them but proceeded with his curiosity himself.

And the time he pointed out for right safety gear in beekeeping but he did it all naked.

When he hung out underwater with an anaconda like they were beer buddies and Indian music was playing in the background. There was yet another comic layer but we are really not sure if it was as comic as it seems. 

Check out an example of his madness

Source= “Outdoor Adventures with Charles”


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