20 Times People Got Lucky Enough to Strike a Food Lottery

Check out the times when people won the food lottery. Read this post & you would know that happiness is in small things.

4 years ago
20 Times People Got Lucky Enough to Strike a Food Lottery

You must have heard people saying the phrase- “nothing comes for free.” You have to pay a few dollars to buy a lottery ticket. You have to burn a hole in your pocket to get something big in return. But sometimes people are so lucky that after giving a certain amount, they get double in return. This happens when you get a watermelon without seeds. 

The chances of winning a Powerball lottery are 1 in 292,200,000. It is like getting struck by lightning, which is experienced by 1 in 700,000. Sometimes you get nothing extra when you wish to get double or triple of what you have paid for. But when luck is with you, you get extra without paying for it. 

It feels special when your prayers are answered. It could happen anytime, and when this happens with food, it seems like God is showering his blessings. Here are a few instances when people got blessed and got their favorite food hidden in the form of surprises.

1. When You Want to Buy a Single Carrot and Get 5 in Return

Source = Boredpanda

Yay! You can store them for future use. This carrot was found when a person went to dig the carrots at his farm. 

2. Pure Avocado Without Any Waste

Source = Brightside

Imagine buying an avocado, and it comes without a seed. (IMAGINE!) With this avocado, you can make more salad. 

3. When You Don’t Know Orange Was Pregnant

Source = Boredpanda

It is a jackpot. A mini orange inside an orange! 

4. When Vending Machine Makes an Error at Your Turn

Source = Boredpanda

I know I am not that LUCKY.

5. Usually, I Don’t Share My Chocolate Cone With Anyone!

Source = Ebaumsworld

And when I get an extra cone as a surprise gift, I don’t care who you are.

6. This Happens When You are Super Lucky!

Source = Ebaumsworld

A few extra cookies are not bad for health.

7. This is a True Food Lottery Win

Source = Boredpanda

When oreo is your favorite cookie, and you get an entire oreo cookie inside the ice cream stick.

8. When Watermelon Comes Out Beautiful Red With NO Seeds

Source = Boredpanda

Do not start imagining! This happens with 1 out of thousands of people. 

9. Two in One Offer!

Source = Boredpanda

Green bell pepper inside a red bell pepper. 

10. A Perfect Nutty Chocolate Should Look Like This

Source = Brightside

I wish I was the lucky one to get it. 

11. When the Box Shows 8 Delicious Food Creme Cakes Inside & You Get 9 (1 Extra)

Source = Ebaumsworld

How would you react when you receive this pack on your birthday? 

12. Extra Beer When You Have a Party at Home

Source = Awesomeinventions

Who would complain about this? 

13. When You Get a Pop Trio

Source = Viralitytoday

This is a great surprise.

14. It’s Tequila Time When You Get This Sized Lemon

Source = Boredpanda

Let’s have a party!

15. 5 Peanuts in a Nutshell

Source = Boredpanda

The max I've got is 3 or 4. 

16. A Single Grape with 8 Grapes

Source = Boredpanda

A beautiful flowered grape. 

17. Banana or Bananas?

Source = Boredpanda

Would you make yummy banana bread? 

18. I Hope This Tastes Similar to Regular Strawberries

Source = Viralitytoday

I guess this single strawberry would be enough to make a strawberry shake. 

19. A Perfectly Curly Fry

Source = Awesomeinventions

Who was the luckiest one to eat this curly fry? 

20. An Extra Large Goldfish with the Normal Ones

Source = Boredpanda

Would this large goldfish taste different? 

Final Words

Why dream of winning a lottery ticket when you can win the food lottery? After all, happiness is often found in little things. 

Luck is a thing everyone would want to experience once in their lifetime. When it happens, it becomes a memorable moment. It is like getting french fries for free when you have paid for a burger. If you want to win a lottery, then these experienced lottery winners may help you win a jackpot. 

Have you ever been lucky to win a food lottery? If so, how was your reaction? Share your experience. 


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