6 Amazing Things We Should Learn From Camel Feet

Camels are a kind of mammals with the humped back, long legs, and lipped snout. They were domesticated nearly 3000 years ago are still used for transportation.

7 years ago
6 Amazing Things We Should Learn From Camel Feet

What do you know about camels? It has the hump that stores water for their survival, lives in the desert and can run at a speed of 40 miles per hour. But hump doesn’t store water, in fact, it consists of stored fat which camels can restore when needed. The word camel is been derived from an Arabic word gml that means beauty, now don’t dare to say that camels are ugly.

Have you ever wonder how camel survives and walks easily in the hot temperatures? Camel feet have thick padding that secures their feet from rocky and hot sands. Let’s know more facts about the came feet.

1. Camels Foot Structure

Source = Gruenauge

What you probably think is that camel’s feet are hooves, but actually camel’s feet are not the hoof, each toe does have a nail that only throws the impression of a hoof. Camel’s feet are divided in half and the halves are then joined underneath by webbing. The pads of camels feet are covered with protective souls and inside each foot, there is a thick ball of fat.

2. The Benefit of Camel’s Foot Structure

Source = Fao

As stated camel’s feet are not hooves, the structure of camels foot is strongly adapted for environment. The spreading toes of camels help it not to lose in shifting sands while thick sole in a camel provides a hurdle against the summer sands, and saves the camel from being burned when it crosses the sand. (1.1)

3. Flexible Feet And Risk Of Hazards

Source = Entouriste

While you all are aware that flexible foot of camel is perfect for walking in balmy temperatures, the very soft nature sometimes becomes unsafe to hazards. You know that some camels (domesticated) are only used for the transportation purpose; they carry loads, walk long distances and ends up in swollen feet. The soft feet is actually a risk of injuries from glass, wires etc.

4. Why Do Camels Have Long Longs?

Source = Iheartanimals

Long feet of camels help them to walk easily on deserts. Camels spread out their weight over the sand thus it helps in prevent sinking into the sand. They are usually adapted to walk long and long distances in hot temperatures in a desert so they evolved to have broad, large and flat feet. In addition, the long feet also help camel to keep their bodies farther away from the flaming ground.

5.  Why Camels Are Known As ‘Ship of Desert’

You must have heard or read that camels are known as ‘ship of the desert’. They are called so because the long legs of the camel have enough powerful muscles to bear the heavy loads to the long distances. In camels both legs rise and fall together on the same side, in tall animals like camels it looks like they possess a rotary motion and this is the reason why camels are called as the ship of the desert. (1.2)

6. The Camel Walks On A Broad Pad

Source = Staticflickr

Camel walks in a medium speed and has two toes on each foot. It walks on a broad pad that joins its two toes. Do you know this pad support animal to walk on sand in the same way that a snowshoe helps us to walk in a snow? This pad helps camel to walk over solid rocks and tirelessly long distances and remains insensitive to the outside environment.


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