7 Wedding Games to Give Everyone a Joyful Feel on Your Special Day

Are you searching for the wedding games to make your reception party a memorable one? If so, scroll below and pick the best one from the collection.

6 years ago
7 Wedding Games to Give Everyone a Joyful Feel on Your Special Day

A boring wedding is everyone’s nightmare. Every couple wants to keep their wedding entertaining for guests to have a good time. In addition to beautiful decoration, lightings, and delicious dishes, a dash of fun in the pre-wedding functions and wedding reception games would surely make your D-day more memorable.

From the best wedding reception games for guests (young and adults) to newlyweds, we have picked the wedding games for all. We didn’t stop at games though; you will get various ideas to create your customized game. What’s more interesting is many of the marriage games in the list are DIY and require zero to minimum materials in it. So are you ready to make your D-Day a really fun experience for your guests?

Let’s begin!

1. What Should We Do on Date Nights?

Source = Wp

It doesn’t matter whether you are single or married, everyone has some advice on what to do on date night. Great for the reception tables, this booklet game ‘What Should We Do On Date Nights’ is really fun. Print the booklet and keep on the tables for the guests. This book of advice should cover questions such as how should we celebrate our first date, what is the most interesting thing we should do on our date night and more.

There is no rule for this wedding game. Simply prepare the questions in a way so that it involves your guests. We bet it would be fun reading their answers.

2. Flippy Cup

Source = Paddyfest

You might have played this fun game in your school/college days. So, how about reviving your old days on your D-Day with the same group of friends with this drinking game? Sounds good! Flippy Cup is one of the most common wedding games on our list.

How to Play

Pair the bridesmaid vs. groomsmen or the girls vs. boys. In front of each participant is a plastic cup filled with a beer. The first player from the team drinks the beer as fast as they can from the cup. When they finish the beer, they should flip the cup in a way that it hangs slightly off the edge of the table.

Remember that the next player of the team cannot start drinking until the cup in the air lands down correctly way on the table.

This simple wedding reception game would surely add the much-needed action to your party.

Tip: The game is more appropriate if played after the party because you don’t want your mom and dad to witness your secrets.

There are more drinking games you could play with your friends at a party.

3. Find the Ring

‘Find the Ring’ is probably the first game that comes in your mind when you hear of Indian wedding game. Both bride and groom are made to search for the rings put in a bowl filled with milk, rose petals and milk. To make it more interesting, the families also add small toys, a bunch of threads, toe rings and other wastes so that they can’t find the ring easily. Whoever finds the ring first wins the game.

4. Pre-made Kissing Game – Spin the Wheel

Source = Pinimg

Prepare a spin wheel with several activities the guest or couple must perform. It should include different types of kisses, hugs and random activities (make sure you include kisses more). Or you may ask a couple to kiss, and the bride and groom will have to copy the same kiss. If these wedding kissing games didn’t excite you to add on your wedding, don’t worry, we have one more on the list.

Roll the dice and create a rule for each number on it. For instance, 

1 - A person would kiss someone standing on the right

2 - The couple would exchange the kiss

3 - Person would kiss like he/she is kissing on the mirror

And so on.

5. Wedding Games for Girls

Source = Fanpop

Walk down the aisle in the beautiful dress, decorate the cake, dress up your prince and make the most surprising wedding of all. Check out the list of popular wedding games for girls here:

  • Princesses Wedding

Both Ariel and Elsa are wedding planners, good friends but also rivals. The princesses plan for competition and decide to find the best wedding planner in their town. Help them dressing the bride, makeup, hairstyle and choosing the best bridal outfit. The best princess wins. Enjoy this wedding planner game with your friends! (6.1)

  • Bride and Bridesmaid

Everything is done, only the bride and bridesmaid haven’t decided their outfit for the special day. Join them and help them find the prettiest outfit. Play this bridal game and with your friends and choose the best outfit for the girls and bride. Make sure after you ready the bride, she also holds a beautiful flower bouquet for her prince. (6.2)

  • Cinderella’s Wedding Makeup

Wow! Your favorite princess Cinderella is getting married. Do you want to help her in getting ready for her special day? She is excited for this moment as she has found her prince. Start this one of the most interesting wedding makeup games by selecting the best accessories for her. Apply mascara for long lashes, use beautiful red lipstick and pink blush for cheeks.

Play this princess wedding game with your girl squad and have fun. (6.3)

Just like Cinderella makeup, Barbie wedding game is also loved by kids.

6.  Group Wedding Games

  • Wedding Shoe Game

Source = Southboundbride

Asking questions is the best way to get to know each other (bride and groom) much better. One of the most popular wedding party games that everyone loves to play is ‘Wedding Shoe Game.’ Both bride and groom or the couple sit back to back on chairs holding one shoe of own and one of the partner.

A host of the party starts reading the questions for the group. In response, the couple raises the shoe of the person who fits best in the question. You can consider the following questions:

1. Who is a better dancer?

2. Who is a bathroom singer?

3. Who made the first move for a kiss?

4. Who has a better sex appeal?

5. Who is a better cook?

6. Who always runs late?

  • Dare Game

Source = Wordpress

Invite your shy guests for the dares just made for them. Divide the groups in two (group A and group B). At the back of their group cards, add dares like – kiss the person sitting next to you, take a selfie making a pout with the girl you think is the sexiest and take a shot with a random person here. The team who completes the dares in less time wins the game. Since you are writing the dares, customize it to your guests’ comfort level.

7.  Wedding Games for Kids

While a wedding is a joyous occasion for the adults, it is a fun day for the kids. So do you have any idea how would you make your wedding a full-on entertaining day for the kids? Here we have some best indoor wedding games ideas for the little ones to keep them charged for all day.

  • Chalk Board Games

Source = Brides

Chalk Board games are easy DIY projects. Find a piece of wood or a large photo frame. Use chalkboard and stencils to write the letters. Convert it into a creative word search that kids can try their hand for the day. Make sure that you add details about the bride and groom, wedding venue and their favorite food items like cupcakes, chocolates, etc.

  • Video Games Station

Source = Weddingdjpr

That’s right! You can add the video games station for the kids to make your special day more interesting for them. Add Barbie wedding games, bridal games or your fiancée’s favorite video games at a video game station so that people (especially kids) can stop by and play.

To make it more interesting, add small prizes for the winners or play classics so that guests can tap their feet on Guitar Hero, Rock Band, and other dancing tunes.

  • Picture Scavenger Hunt

Picture Scavenger Hunt is another most common wedding reception game that involves everyone (kids, adults, couples) present on your special day. Send your guests a list of 15-20 wedding moments for them to be clicked with their phones like:

  • A picture with a couple kissing
  • A selfie with crazy faces
  • A click when someone is dancing
  • A picture of you eating a cake (with mouth completely open) and more

Bonus Tip: Give a hint that it is a contest and you will vote for the photos in each category at the wedding. You can also ask them to post the pictures on Instagram with hashtags to easily collect them.

Final Thoughts

While playing games at the wedding is not a common trend, it is slowly gaining popularity among outdoor weddings with lots of space. Do you also want your guests to have nothing but fun on your special day? If so, then plan the best wedding games for them and make sure they score BIG.

Which one is your favorite wedding game? Drop your comments below.


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