Sadly throughout the history, there are many awful incidents took place in London whether it is an accident, big flood, explosion or terror attack. London is often got noticed because of these dreadful events. In this article, we have covered the 10 shocking tragedies happened in London, click here to avail more.
From aviation accidents to explosion or from flood to a terrorist incident, when it comes unexpected and dreadful events, no one can ever forecast what’s around the corner.
Throughout London history, there have been many awful events occurred that have seen a multitude of sadness, injuries, and deaths.
The capital of England and the United Kingdom- “London” is often headlined for its outrageous tragedies. Britain has been hit by a series of awful attacks and tragedies from over the centuries. Let’s take a quick roundup of some of the most shocking tragedies happened in London.
Silverton Explosion! An extensive and one of the deadliest explosion in London’s history took place in Silvertown on 19 January 1917 at 6.52 pm. The blast occurred at Docklands munitions factory when 50 tons of TNT went up. Around 73 people died in this shocking event and more than 400 people get injured. (8.1)
This agonizing event took place in Blackfriars at the French ambassador's house in 1623 in which the floor of an upper room in the house suddenly collapsed under the weight of around 300 Catholics when they were gathered for the evening prayer. Reportedly, the crowd was too overloaded and the floor beams were not enough to handle that load. In that incident, around 100 people lost their lives. (8.2)
This shocking tragedy took place on 4 December 1957 when a steam train badly crashed into an electric train due to intense fog. According to the report around 73 people died in this incident and more than 173 people get injured badly. Also, according to Ministry of Transport report, it was found that the driver of a steam train had failed to slow after passing two caution signals and was unable to stop at the danger signal. (8.3)
This major environmental disaster took place in Dec 1952, in which London was covered under a combination of toxic smoke and intense fog for around 4 days. As a result, more than 4000 people died and many infants and older people suffered from respiratory illnesses such as asthma, pneumonia, etc. This killer fog incident was recorded as the deadliest environmental disasters in the history. (8.4)
London's dreadful and the worst train crash incident took place at Harrow and Wealdstone station on 8 October 1952, where three trains collided in the morning time. Reportedly around 112 people were killed and more than 300 people injured in this train crash. (8.5)
V1 flying bombs are pretty known for causing more damage than conventional bombs. The worst incident happened in London on 13th June 1944 where during the night time people heard the loudest and horrifying sound in the sky. The strike occurred just as a mixed congregation of soldiers and civilians gathered in the chapel. The building was obliterated and 121 lost their lives. The chapel has since been rebuilt. (8.6)
These V2 Rockets are more haunting and dangerous than the V1 flying bombs and another conventional bomb. V2 rockets are considered as a terrifying weapon, and distinct from conventional bombs. V2 landed on a branch of Woolworth's in New Cross due to which around 168 people lost their lives.
Apart from this, there was two more bad incident occurred due to V2 rockets, first is on 27 March 1945, a rocket hit Hughes Mansions on Vallance Road, Whitechapel in which around 134 have died and Another rocket was landed on 8 March 1945, leaving 110 dead. (8.7)
The above picture was About Bethnal Green Tube shelter, before the tragedy. According to some historical facts, London’s worst civilian disaster of the second world war is considered as Bethnal Green disaster. This disaster took place on 3rd March 1943 where the people in London faced a Bethnal Green Tube Crush in which around 173 people lost their lives and crush injuries. (8.8)
One of the shocking and the most dangerous incidents during the war in which children were badly collapsed with fire. This incident mainly took place during a Second World War in South Hallsville School in Agate Street in Canning Town in 1940. In which the building collapsed and badly crushed people over there. According to reports, more than 400 people were killed during German raids on London and many of them badly injured also. (8.9)
The Great Fire of London is the most horrible and shocking tragedy happened in London, took place in 1666. In this incident, a fire occurred at both ends of the bridge due to this heavy fire around 3000 people died. After the incident people considered this as the biggest disaster in London's history. (8.10)
It's really heartbroken to know that there are number of brutal events have occurred in London and after exploring these 10 stories you get to know how dangerous and destructive these tragedies were.
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