Depression is Dangerous: 7 Ways to Overcome it for Sound Mental Health

Depression is not any serious disease but surely a disorder which one needs to overcome. So, let's learn some ways to do it easily.

5 years ago
Depression is Dangerous: 7 Ways to Overcome it for Sound Mental Health

The word ‘Depression’ may horrify you to the deep, but it is one common mental disorder. Yes, reports suggest that more than 264 million people of all ages suffer from depression globally.

You might not believe but it, Depression is a leading cause of disability worldwide and also one major contributor to the overall global burden of disease. Moreover, it’s women who are especially more affected by depression in comparison to men. There are many cases where Depression leads to suicide; hence, it is very important to overcome depression.

And guess what these cases we are referring to is not only of common people but celebrities too like popular singer Justin Bieber's journey with depression. Yes, we will discuss them further in  the article. But before that, let’s discuss what Depression is, what causes it, and what are the ways to overcome depression.

What is Depression?

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To define the word, all we can say is that it is a disorder, evidenced by excessive sadness, loss of interest in enjoyable things, and low motivation.

In response to adverse life events, it is very natural to experience feelings of sadness and despair. Such events could include loss, stress, disappointment, or major life changes. However, the sad feelings resolve as you come to terms with the changes in your life in most cases. But then again, in situations such as bereavement, these feelings may continue for months.

Even if they go away at that particular time, there are high chances that they return at significant times, such as anniversaries and birthdays related to the lost loved one. Although if you are also living the times when you can enjoy things, this sadness is not a sign of depression.

Having Depression is normal in people now. Yes, if we talk about numbers, there are reports which suggest that at some stage in their lives, one in three people will experience a major depressive episode. And while most cases of depression are mild among them, at least one person in ten will have severe or moderate levels.

The Reason Behind the Disorder

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It is one of those questions which have no specific answer. Yes, no one knows what causes depression. But, in many cases of depression, it is clear that genetic factors are important. That’s true because depression seems to run in families (similarly like other mood disorders), and near about 30% of the predisposition for depression is because of genetic influences.

It is the stressful life events that play a role in the onset or relapse of depression. The ongoing struggles or conflicts with others can take their toll on our well-being. Besides that, some social and environmental stressors can also trigger it, including financial difficulties, unemployment, loneliness, retirement, childbirth, or loss of someone or something important. Any of such unpleasant life events may be sufficient to induce or worsen a depressive illness in vulnerable people.

Besides all that, the personality characteristic of an individual is an important factor. Because usually, these people who are suffering from depression have a very negative view of themselves and the world. They do not appreciate good things, and to them, the bad things seem overwhelming. And, some people, even when they are not depressed, produce a tendency to view things this way. Well, in simple words, we can say that they may have a depressive personality style. Even we, being a relative and friend, must keep an eye on such personality traits or signs which reveal if someone is suffering from such disorder.

All such reasons stated above are somewhere related to your living conditions. But the state of life is not the only reason behind Depression. Yes, there is one another possible cause of depression that is physical illness or medications. And, it should not be overlooked too. Yes, diseases like Glandular fever, hepatitis, influenza, thyroid hormones, diabetes, anemia,  alcohol, birth control pills, other substances of abuse, or other medications like those for blood pressure or heart conditions, may all cause symptoms of depression.

How to Overcome Depression?

Besides inculcating healthy habits that improve our quality of life, there are many more ways you can include in your routine to overcome the disorder. They are:

1. Treat Sleep Disorder

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There are some sleep disorders such as sleep apnea and Insomnia, in particular, which have been shown to reduce brain function, which further contributes to depression. Many people out there are suffering from sleep disorders and have this wrong assumption that they’re untreatable. But that’s not entirely true because both the conditions are often treatable. And besides, that treatment can also help reverse the damage done to the brain and lead to dramatic improvements in brain function.

Many doctors have mentioned earlier that their sleep apnea patients are often amazed at how different they feel after treatment. And, with a small device provided by your doctor, you can do a sleep study in your own home; hence, the diagnosis is easier than ever before.

2. Stop Living in the Past

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There is one well-known fact that if we need to move ahead, we need to leave the past behind. Yes, if one is spending time reliving, rewriting, and recreating the past, then they are doing nothing but purchasing a one-way ticket to the dark depths of despair. Believe us that this mental attitude is as dangerous to emotional wellbeing as any other.

And, don’t forget that blaming others or Self-loathing will not get you on the right side of feeling better. If you don’t change your thought process, you cannot live life differently.

So, from now on, adopt a new lifestyle by committing to a new way of thinking. Regrets from past only serve one purpose, and that is to rob you of your resolve to do things differently in the present.

3. Look for Your Social Support System

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Humans are meant to talk to connect. John Cacioppo, one Chicago psychologist and the author of the book Loneliness, wrote,

"None of us is immune to feelings of isolation, any more than we are immune to feelings of hunger or physical pain.”

So, in short, all you need to do is reach out. Yes, try to call a friend or family member and get together for coffee, meet up at a park, or go for a trek or hike. Even small steps like smiling at strangers and volunteering can make a difference. So, try to open up your life, and you will feel better than ever.

4. Make Your Eating Habits Better

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Diet and mental health are directly proportional to each other. Even many researchers suggest that there are clear links between diet and mental health. Yes,  various studies have shown that improving nutrition can treat and prevent mental illness, and nutritional psychiatry has become mainstream.

Plus, many brain-essential nutrients can directly affect depression. For example, in a study in 2012, it was found that deficiency of zinc in the body increases symptoms of depression. 

Hence it is an undeniable fact that improving your diet could be key to reducing your symptoms. Even there are several diet plans you can follow for a healthy lifestyle and better results. But make sure that before you begin taking vitamins or supplements, or make any major changes to your diet, talk with your physician. 

5. Avoid Procrastination

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There are a few symptoms of depression like fatigue and difficulty concentrating, which make procrastination tempting. Yes, it means that putting things off fuels depression. And this can lead to increased guilt, stress, and worry.

So, it's important to manage your time well as well as set deadlines for goals. Also, work hard to get the most important things done first by establishing short-term goals because each small task you complete will help you break through the habit of procrastination.

6. Control Your Stress

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We know speaking is easier than doing. But it is very important to control stress because your body produces more of a hormone called cortisol when you're under stress. It could be said that stressing for the short-term is a good thing as it helps you gear up to cope with whatever is causing the stress in your life.

But at the same time, it is hazardous over the long run. It can cause many problems for anyone, including depression. And, you can use several techniques to reduce stress, like listening to songs that are nerve-soothing and ultimate de-stressors, reading positive and motivational quotes. Because the better you will try to reduce your stress, the less you will become depressed.

7. Make a Strict Routine Plan

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There are times when we lose track of our routine, and many times this becomes a problem for us. Yes, inconsistent routines and lack of scheduled activities can increase feelings of helplessness and a loss of control over the direction of your life.

Hence it is very important to plan out for the day. Add a plan to your day, regain that sense of control, and it will automatically decrease the feeling that you’re just a passive participant in life.

Celebrities Who Have Battled and Overcome Depression

Let’s learn to overcome depression from the stories of other people and that too, successful ones.

1. Eminem

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More than a decade ago, Eminem went into detail about his battle with depression in his memoir, The Way I Am. It was 2006 when he found himself reeling after the murder of his close friend and D12 member Proof. And, at that stage, even his continuously rocky relationship with his ex-wife wasn't helping.

Eminem recalled,

"I have never felt so much pain in my life. It was tough for me to even get out of bed and I had days when I couldn't walk, let alone write a rhyme."

Though the rapper grew up through tough circumstances and possibly won over depression.

2. Lady Gaga

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We all know the leading lady, Lady Gaga, who hasn't been shy about too many things, least of all her long battle with mental illness. The pop star had once said in a candid interview with Billboard,

"I've suffered through depression and anxiety my entire life. I just want these kids to know that…"

However, we can see that now the "Born This Way" artist has beaten her depression. About that, she had said,

"I learned that my sadness never destroyed what was great about me. You just have to go back to that greatness, find that one little light that's left. I'm lucky I found one little glimmer stored away."

And now, the artist works hard as an advocate for mental health. Her Foundation, Born This Way, works to empower youth, persuade bravery, and offer resources for people dealing with depression, even bullying and severe anxiety.

3. J.K. Rowling

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If we talk about the story of the Harry Potter series writer, she was one struggling writer in her twenties, got divorced soon after marriage, was also a single mother, and hence suffered from severe depression and contemplated suicide. She sought help through cognitive behavioral therapy, and after nine months, the suicidal thoughts disappeared.

“I have never been remotely ashamed of having been depressed.”

She said in an interview on

“Never. What’s there to be ashamed of? I went through a really tough time and I am quite proud that I got out of that.”

Today she doesn’t hesitate to talk about her depression to fight the stigma associated with mental illness.

4. Ellen DeGeneres

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In December 2018, American comedian & television host Ellen DeGeneres also spoke about the difficult period she went through after coming out.

"It took a while to shake off that judgment and the attacks I felt."

She told USA Today,

"Once that was gone, I realized I didn’t have anything to be ashamed of anymore, that no matter what, I was fully honest with myself and that gave me confidence. I think that helps with depression. Depression eats away at your confidence and you get lost in that, and forget that you’re enough just as you are."

5. Selena Gomez

Source = Media.glamour

In 2018, one popular American singer Selena Gomez had an interview with Harper Bazaar. There while interviewing, she told how much she has gotten from Dialectical Behavior Therapy, which is used to treat depression and other mental health conditions but was originally developed for patients with borderline personality disorder.

She said,

"I’ve had a lot of issues with depression and anxiety, and I’ve been very vocal about it, but it’s not something I feel I’ll ever overcome."

Well, it’s not about what she said, but what most matters is despite all, how much she is successful.

6. Katy Perry

Source = A57.foxnews

In 2018, Katy Perry, the famous American singer-songwriter, talked to Vogue Australia about the emotions and the depression she experienced after the release of an album of hers in 2017.

"I have had bouts of situational depression, and my heart was broken last year because, unknowingly, I put so much validity in the reaction of the public, and the public didn’t react in the way I had expected to."

Further, she confirmed in the Vogue interview that she sought help at a “personal growth retreat” in California.

Final Thoughts

So, we have seen the ways one can go through to overcome depression, and besides that, we also went through stories of some popular celebrities that inspire us for sure.

Besides, try to calm yourself by reading a good book, cuddling your pet, taking a warm bath, or listening to your favorite music. We hope you find this article helpful.


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